
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I will get to the bottom of this.........

I will get to the bottom of this. I will get to the bottom of this. I will get to the bottom of this........... pile of laundry!!!! Just in case anyone thinks expat living is all fun and travels, I must interject that I spend a large portion of every single day trying to get through the seemingly never ending pile of laundry on my kitchen floor. Yes, my kitchen floor, because as I am sure I have mentioned previously, my washer/dryer combo unit, yes, combo as in all in one unit, is located in the middle of my kitchen. This is a fact of life here in London that I both love and hate all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    Hi!!! I got your message! I can't believe I haven't stumbled on your blog before I've got a lot of catching up to do!! ;)

    I miss you & yes when I lived my short time in Florence Italy, I vaguely remember how I even washed clothes!! I think it was a laundromat....ages ago. ;)

    Jacob came home? Sounds amazing but yes I can see why he'd be homesick. I totally was when I was in my early 20's in Florence.
    ') still of course such an amazing experience.

    Okay taking my daughter to play in your backyard on those amazing swings! lol Nobody is going to shoot me right?

    Just kidding! ;)
    However, if you diecide to ever sell that set? I want first dibbs! ;)

